My guess is that you have found this page, because you are unhappy with your weight and you are fed up with the constant battle of trying lose weight and keep it off. If you are at the point in life, where you can’t face another diet, and yet you are desperate to lose weight and maintain your weight loss,  then you have arrived at the right place!

Weight Loss Programmes with Maria Furtek

Making the decision to work with Maria means that you can stop struggling on your own.  Instead of being on that lonely journey of trying to get the figure and weight you desire,  you can benefit from Maria’s expertise and experience of over 19 years of working effectively with her weight loss clients: you will feel supported with Maria along side you,  as you very own weight loss Hypnotherapist and Coach.

Depending upon the programme you choose, Maria can provide tailored support to you and your needs; she will work with you to motivate you to take the right action,   to change your habits and behaviour and you will learn powerful tools and strategies that will set you up with the right mind set to be able to maintain your weight loss. Obviously there is no magic wand and your full commitment is required, but Maria will use her extensive skills and modern psychological techniques and strategies to support you along the way in making these changes.

Does this sound like what you are looking for?

Maria has worked with many women since 1999 to help them lose weight using a combination of Hypnotherapy,  NLP Coaching,  Counselling Skills and Emotional Freedom Technique. She offers a range of weight loss programmes and there is sure to be one that will fit in with you and the time you have available.

To read client feedback about how clients have found the weight loss sessions with Maria click here

click on the programmes below to find out more:

weight loss Hypnotherapy with Maria Furtek, Epsom, Surrey


Confidential One-to-one Hypnotherapy and  Coaching sessions with Maria. This is a tailor made weight loss programme designed to deal with your personal issues around weight and losing weight.



Hypnotherapy Gastric Band Epsom, Surrey Maria Furtek Hypnotherapy


One-to-one sessions with Maria using Hypnosis to insert a virtual gastric band, includes coaching with you to deal with issues around losing weight.