So now you have turned your dreams into SMART goals, then next step is to take action! Before you start, I want you to just consider the following two sentences: ”I’m trying to lose weight” “I am losing weight” Which one is the more believable and powerful? The second one is clearly. Note, there is

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Let’s look at how we get from amazing dreams to clearly defined goals. You’ve had a few days now to capture your dreams in several areas of your life. You may have some exciting dreams and be thinking “Well yes that’s all very well but what now?”. Here I will show you how to create

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2012 is well underway and most people still have hopes and dreams to see this as the best year ever. I encourage you, if you haven’t done so already, to put all your wishes and dreams down on to paper and make them into well formed goals. Why not call it your 2012 Vision, because

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