I know I have! The kids went back to school yesterday; no more care free days; no more late nights; no more lie ins; no more sunny days on the beach or swimming in the sea; no more drinking wine and lazy BBQ’s – I can feel my energy going down just writing this.
It feels like all the fun is over and it’s back to work; homework; ironing and routine.
If you feel like this too, what can you do to raise your spirits and your mood as you move forward into Autumn?
Firstly, just remind yourself, that the feeling of “flatness” or the “post holiday blues” is actually more common that you probably think. The thoughts of shifting up a gear again after the holidays can initially be quite daunting. However, my experience is that once you get back into the swing of things, it is usually better than you anticipate.
The following tips below may just help your mindset around the post holiday blues:
1) Book in some things in the next few weeks that your really enjoy: it may be seeing a good friend and catching up after the holidays; inviting friends over for dinner and having a bit of a party evening; booking a lovely massage (If you live local to Sutton, Surrey then I’d recommend my colleague: Munira Rasul info@tri-essencetherapies.co.uk); or even during the week, stopping work at a reasonable time and watching a “feel good film” or reading a “holiday type book”. Give yourself a bit of a “holiday feeling” during the routine of your week.
2) I know I talk about this an awful lot, but keeping a gratitude journal is also a good way of raising your spirits. Writing down all the good things that are in your life right now, including all the lovely things that you have been doing doing the Summer – this will connect you with all the positive, happy and good things in your life and re-activate some of those feel good memories and feelings too.
3) I am a great believer in living in the present moment – the power of now! However, at the end of the Summer I often find it really useful to think about and start planning towards all the lovely events and things I love and look forward to in the seasons of Autumn and Winter – things like long walks and kicking up the autumn leaves, to wrapping up warm and being by the sea, to celebrating my son’s birthday (November) to the obvious of Christmas and the festive season. Remembering that each season has it’s own nuggets of gold and joy, can really help me move forward post Summer, with a sense of anticipation and joy.