Integral Eye Movement Therapy
“Change in the blink of an eye!”
“The primary cause of unhappiness is never the situation, but thought about it. Be aware of the thoughts you are thinking. Separate them from the situation, which is always neutral. It is as it is.” – Eckhart Tolle
IEMT is a brief therapy and can be used to help release negative thoughts and emotions quickly. Clients often experience release and relief from the negative emotions and can maintain that release, when other therapies have not succeeded.
IEMT primarily addresses and resolves the question,
“How did this person learn to feel this way about this thing?”
This works on the emotional level, with feelings associated with a certain event or situation eg like the feeling of anxiety associated with a phobia, or with a proposed event such as giving a presentation, taking an exam or going to a job interview.
IEMT also addresses the issue of,
“How did this person learn to be this way?”
This works on an identity level, which is ever changing throughout a person’s life. An example of this may be a woman who is overweight and battling with weight reduction, and who wants to be slim and yet on an identity level, may have always thought of herself as a “fat or big” person.
In some cases, the person can adopt aspects of identity that can be problematic. For example, an emotional imprint might be, “I feel unhappy” whilst an identity imprint might be, “I am an unhappy person” or even, “I am a depressive.” Thus the person labels him/herself as “this is who I am!” and the unconscious limiting belief associated with this is “therefore I cannot change!” This brings a “stuckness” and limitations to the person’s life.
Using IEMT addresses the identity imprint and can enable us to by-pass the limiting beliefs that have helped keep you “stuck” and thinking of yourself on some level, as being “a fat person” or “being a depressed person” or an” anxious person” for example.
One of the most useful aspects of IEMT is that unlike many other “therapies,” it does not necessarily require you be able to articulate feelings in depth or to provide a deep history of content: all that is necessary is that you can identify the feeling that you wish to change – this may be a feeling like, anxiety, stress, fear, panic, feeling low, sad, unconfident etc. This makes IEMT an especially useful method for teenagers, who may be non-articulate about their emotional states, for which they are seeking help.
IEMT is a brief therapy and an evolving field that enables a core state change in minimal time. It must be emphasised: IEMT is not the grand unified theory of therapy and change work and is still a developing model, but is a very useful adjunctive and can be combined with NLP and Hypnotherapy to provide an excellent remedial tool for emotional change and a generative tool for identity change.
IEMT can be applied to the following issues:-
- Anxiety
- Phobias
- Panic attacks
- Fears
- Stress
- Lack of confidence
- Guilt/shame
- Mild depression
- PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder)
- Self-esteem
- Self-worth
- Anger
- Insomnia
- Motivation issues
Whilst no therapist or practitioner can guarantee 100% success rate, (and I am suspicious when this is claimed), what I can guarantee is that you will receive my very best attention from my experience, skills and qualifications, as we work together to maximise your results.
The type feedback I have typically received from clients using IEMT is “That thought has really faded” or “that doesn’t feel the same anymore, I feel much less anxious”
This is what Gail said about her anxiety levels, which at the beginning of the session, she initially scaled as a ’10’ i.e being very high level of anxiety that had been there for a long time. During the session her previous high level of anxiety was reduced to a ‘2’ (low level) and this is what she said about the one session of IEMT with me:
After just one hour with Maria using IEMT I felt that my anxiety had melted away. I came away feeling peaceful and with strategies to take control of any worries in the future.
Other Clients have said the following after a one hour session with Maria:
Maria gave me a session using IEMT and the impact was amazing.I felt a sense of relief – like magic! Rob M (Work related anxiety)
During one session with Maria, my anxiety levels reduced from 10 to 2 and I saw my issue in a different perspective! Karen B (general anxiety feelings)
Thank you so much for this morning’s session, I just had to email you to let you know how I was feeling. I found the session engaging, relaxing, and very productive, as I came away feeling much “lighter” . The session certainly helped to take away some of that weight off my mind and I will continue with your recommendations and strategies and hope to continue managing my anxiety better. Laura O (Work related anxiety)
I spent 20 minutes with Maria at a Therapy Day having a “taster” IEMT session for my exam nerves and I couldn’t believe how much more confident I felt after this short time with her, using this therapy. I am now confident that I will do well next week in my A’Levels. Charlotte M